Sunday, August 5, 2012


so the other day when I was driving in my car and listening to the radio, I heard a commercial for a pizza place up in Louisville.  I forget exactly what it said but at the end it said "Serving Louisville style pizza!"... what exactly is Louisville style pizza???  For some reason this got me thinking about other types of pizza (I should probably add that at this time I was indeed on my one hour drive home from work and hadn't had time for lunch...aka. very hungry!)

So it leads me to giving a breakdown of the different main types of pizza:

Chicago- a deep dish type of pizza, up to 3 inches high of crust!
New York - thin, large, foldable piece of pizza...somewhat light on sauce and usually hand tossed!
New Haven - pretty much the same as New York style but sometimes baked in a brick or coal oven to the point of "charring"


and now Louisville style???  Check back later for my testing results and conclusion :)

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